Oscar F. Baker & Co., Milwaukee, WI 1851-1853

Oscar Baker made stoneware at the Milwaukee Stoneware Co. from 1851 until 1853 in Milwaukee. He sold the business to J.B. & A. Maxfield.

O.F. Baker & Co., Milwaukee, WI 2 Gallon Jar O.F. Baker & Co., Milwaukee, WI 2 Gallon Jar O.F. Baker & Co., Milwaukee, WI 2 Gallon Jug O.F. Baker & Co., Milwaukee, WI 2 Gallon Ovoid Jug O.F. Baker & Co., Milwaukee, WI 2 Gallon Jar O.F. Baker & Co., Milwaukee, WI 1 Gallon Ovoid Jug Albany Slip No.3 O.F. Baker & Co., Milwaukee, WI 1 Gallon Ovoid Jug O.F. & Baker & Co., Milwaukee, WI 4 Gallon Cream Pot O.F. Baker & Co., Milwaukee, WI 1 Gallon Ovoid Jug O. F. Baker & Co., Milwaukee, WI 1 Gallon Ovoid Jug O. F. Baker & Co., Milwaukee, WI 1 Gallon Ovoid Jug O.F. Baker & Co, Milwaukee, WI 3 Gallon Lap Churn O.F. Baker & Co, Milwaukee, WI 3 Gallon Lap Churn O. F. Baker & Co., Milwaukee WI 1 Gallon Ovoid Jug O. F. Baker & Co., Milwaukee WI 1 Gallon Ovoid Jug O. F. Baker, Milwaukee, WI 1 Gallon Ovoid Jug O. F. Baker, Milwaukee, WI 1 Gallon Ovoid Jug O.F. Baker & Co., Milwaukee, WI 3 Gallon Crock O.F. Baker & Co., Milwaukee, WI 3 Gallon Crock O.F. Baker & Co, Milwaukee, WI 4 Gallon Cream Pot O.F. Baker & Co., Milwaukee, WI Directory Ad O.F. Baker & Co., Milwaukee, WI 1 Gallon Albany Slip Decorated Jug View 1 O.F. Baker & Co., Milwaukee, WI 1 Gallon Ovoid Jug Albany Slip Decorated View 2 O.F. Baker & Co., Milwaukee, WI 3 Gallon Ovoid Jug O.F. Baker & Co., Milwaukee, WI 1 Gallon Ovoid Jug O.F. Baker & Co., Milwaukee, WI 2 Gallon Ovoid Jug O.F. Baker & Co., Milwaukee, WI 1 Gallon Ovoid Jug O.F. Baker & Co., Milwaukee, WI 2 Gallon Ovoid Jug O.F. Baker & Co., Milwaukee, WI 2 Gallon Ovoid Jug O.F. Baker & Co., Milwaukee, WI 1 Gallon Ovoid Jug O.F. Baker & Co., Milwaukee, WI 2 Gallon Ovoid Jug Rare Mark O.F. Baker & Co., Milwaukee, WI 1 Gallon Ovoid Jug Albany Slip No.1 O.F. Baker & Co., Milwaukee, WI 1 Gallon Ovoid Jug Albany Slip No.2 O.F. Baker & Co., Milwaukee, WI 2 Gallon Ovoid Jug No.5 O.F. Baker & Co., Milwaukee, WI Mark 1 O.F. Baker & Co., Milwaukee, WI Mark 2 O.F. Baker & Co., Milwaukee, WI Mark 3 O.F. Baker & Co., Milwaukee, WI Mark 4 O.F. Baker & Co., Milwaukee, WI Mark 5 O.F. Baker & Co., Milwaukee, WI Mark 6 O.F. Baker & Co., Milwaukee, WI 2 Gallon Ovoid Jug No.8
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